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ГлавнаяОтзывыThanks to Yana and the whole team for helping me throughout the process of my work visa and followed by my residency application…

Thanks to Yana and the whole team for helping me throughout the process of my work visa and followed by my residency application…

Thanks to Yana and the whole team for helping me throughout the process of my work visa and followed by my residency application. After 6 months of waiting I finally have my residency. Thanks for helping through each step and getting it all done right.

Yana clearly knows what she is doing and there is no mucking around. She went through every document I submitted and suggested the changes that could be done. She goes to every little detail and takes care of your application just like it’s her own. I can never thank her enough for making my dream of calling New Zealand my home a reality.

Will surely suggest her service to anyone who needs support with their immigration status.