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ГлавнаяОтзывыYana took the pressure off us as a couple to complete the arduous paperwork involved in multiple visa applications, and was able to advocate for my case with immigration New Zealand…

Yana took the pressure off us as a couple to complete the arduous paperwork involved in multiple visa applications, and was able to advocate for my case with immigration New Zealand…

I met my beautiful Kiwi wife, Eleanor, when we were both teaching at the same school in Kathmandu, Nepal in 2013. We dated for a year while Eleanor was living and working in Nepal, but for a number of reasons Eleanor returned to New Zealand in 2014. Our relationship continued to flourish long distance, and in 2015 we decided I should come to New Zealand to meet her family. However, my application for a visitors visa was declined. We continued to apply for me to come to New Zealand and continued to receive rejections from immigration New Zealand. In 2016 we were engaged but still unable to secure a visa for us to marry in New Zealand as we hoped. We were having little success understanding the reasons given for m visa rejections. This is when we contacted Yana, and she began working on my case. Yana took the pressure off us as a couple to complete the arduous paperwork involved in multiple visa applications, and was able to advocate for my case with immigration New Zealand. Eleanor and I were married in January 2017 in Wellington, and thanks to Yana I am now a resident of New Zealand and am living a happy married life with my wife. — Damodar Neupane, Nepal