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ГлавнаяОтзывыWe had a great experience lodging our residence visa application with Yana. The other adviser who we initially approached said that we do not have a chance and we did not have much hope at all. However, it was such a difference with Yana’s approach…

We had a great experience lodging our residence visa application with Yana. The other adviser who we initially approached said that we do not have a chance and we did not have much hope at all. However, it was such a difference with Yana’s approach…

We had a great experience lodging our residence visa application with Yana. The other adviser who we initially approached said that we do not have a chance and we did not have much hope at all. However, it was such a difference with Yana’s approach. She has guided us through the process and in a few months the residence was granted. We highly recommend Kiwi Immigration to all our friends.